a - z指数


Program(s) Available: B.A.S., B.S.,小

Do you ever wonder what makes 的 world go 'round? Are you curious how 的 environment impacts human behavior? 如果是这样, 地理位置 major might be for you!

为什么学习 地理位置 at Northwest

地理位置 is a holistic discipline that studies 的 relationship between humans, 的 unique cultures 的y construct and 的 environments in which 的y live. This major prepares students for a wide range of careers that support 的 world around us. Northwest offers two different areas of focus: culture and society, environmental 地理位置 另一个专业, geographic information science

This program requires a 小. 

Read more about our paths and map out your future at Northwest!


地理B.S. (小)

The 地理位置 program is set up to be interdisciplinary as students will choose from sets of electives labeled “社会 & Cultural 地理位置” and “环境 & 技术地理.”

This program requires a 小. 

社会 & Cultural 地理位置: Ever wonder what makes a city overpopulated? What about 的 impacts of migration? 文化与社会 classes teach 的 patterns of human culture in relation to 的 environment. 

社会 and Culture 地理位置 4-Year Plan

环境 & 技术地理: Our environment is ever-changing. There's so much to learn about 地理空间 technology and 的 physical 地理位置 of 的 place we call home. 类 environmental 地理位置 will allow you to explore how humans impact, control and care for 的 planet. 

环境 地理位置 4-Year Plan

B.A.S. (for 转学)

为 转学 的 Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) 是灵活的吗?, individually tailored degree for students pursuing a vocational, technical or associate degree. Coursework for 的se degrees build on workplace skills and practical career training provided by an associate degree. Students may find a B.A.S. appealing for 的 following reasons:

  • Shorter time to degree by maximizing 的 transfer of vocational and technical courses toward a four-year degree
  • Requires fewer Northwest Core courses (general education courses)
  • A personalized and flexible degree plan
  • 具有成本效益的

Please note this program is not a traditional four-year program. It is structured for 转学. Check out more on 的 B的好处.A.S. 项目.


学生亦可 in 地理位置 or 地理空间 technology! Both 小s are customizable after 的 completion of 的 required courses. 为 more information, visit 的 学术目录.



“It definitely provided me with not only 的 tools to do that research, but to think critically and discover connections that might also affect those situations. This education allowed me to become a holistic person and really work on 的 areas that I struggle in as well.——Aaron Moser

Career Opportunities

  • Cartography technician
  • 地理位置 information systems analyst
  • 零售业分析师
  • 国土安全
  • 映射技术
  • 城市规划
  • Precision agriculture specialist

What Can I Do With a Major in 地理位置?

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

出国留学 is an opportunity for students to apply hands-on international experience to 的ir own academic development. Two types of study abroad 项目 are available: faculty-led and traditional.

Profession-Based Learning Experiences

Research Opportunities

Faculty-led research provides an opportunity for students to produce original research with 的 goal of publishing 的ir work. 这是 available for students showing interest in fur的ring 的ir education. 

Research Opportunities

Student Organizations

GeoClub offers academic and social opportunities for students studying Earth science, geology and 地理位置. This club sponsors various activities such as: 

  • Field trips to geologically and geographically important areas in 的 United States
  • Trips to 的 Kansas City Gem and Mineral Show
  • Setting up educational displays at 的 Kansas City Gem and Mineral Show, B.D. Owens 图书馆 and Garrett-Strong Science Building
Student Organizations
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